Maree Boxing Oldham Show - Blow By Blow

Maree Boxing Oldham Show – Blow By Blow

Maree Boxing

Maree Boxing impressed again In an action-packed card at Oldham, there were stoppages, shock defeats, a debut and a couple of draws topped off with a very close entertaining main event for the women\’s super featherweight central area title.

Linzi Buczynskyj vs Chelsey Arnell

A blistering pace was set from the opening bell and it didn\’t slow down over the twenty minutes that followed.

Buczynskyj had the cleaner work and took the first half of the fight with Arnell coming on strong in the latter stages with flurries of punches that saw a very close fought-out contest go Buczynskyj\’s way by 96-95 and was crowned the new central area super featherweight champion.

Wycombe King Vs Robbie Connor

A close competitive fight split 38 points apiece with debutant Connor matching King punch for punch with some big shots thrown from both. The fair result over the four rounds from two evenly matched boxers.

James Albert vs Seamus Devlin

The most active boxer in the UK Seamus Devlin earned himself a draw over four rounds with Rochdale\’s James Albert, another contest where the boxers matched each other punch for punch with visible damage to both fighter\’s faces, especially Albert\’s nose.

Billy Deniz vs Nathan Junor

Billy Deniz outclassed his opponent Nathan Junor from start to finish, with blistering combinations and some shots that made you wince at times particularly the work to the body and the pinpoint uppercuts leading to Junor wanting no further part in the Billy Deniz demolition and retiring on his stool after the second round.

Leon Willings vs Robbie Chapman

A setback for Willings early on in his pro career with a razor-thin result of 38-37 over four rounds, nip and tuck with Chapman throwing a good volume of punches but not enough in the response from Willings as he was outworked over the four rounds and never really got going until later on in the fight, maybe if this contest was over six rounds it could have been a different result.

Ibrahim Nadim vs John Spencer

The tough John Spencer was the victim of Nadim\’s first stoppage in the professional ranks, boxing with a lot more intent than in his previous outings he showed he has different sides to his game.

With the TKO coming in the final round Nadim used the previous three to wear Spencer down, leading with the left jab followed by combinations early on which continued until he was stopped on his feet from taking clean several shots with no response.

Reece Farnhill vs Vasif Mamedov

In a contest that saw Farnhill win every round in a scheduled six-rounder he was made to work hard each round and the tough and durable Mamedov looked as though he could have been stopped on his feet in the last two rounds as Farnhill was picking off his shots at will as he executed several combinations with little response.

Jasmina Zapotoczna vs Claudia Ferenczi

A good mix of work from debutant Jasmina Zapotoczna throughout a contest where she won all four rounds convincingly.

Some quality work with her strong left jab and accurate body shots seemingly landing at will on Ferenczi who knew she had her work cut out from round one as she repeatedly tried to fall into the Yorkshire-based Pole and was in there to survive. A solid shut-out debut victory against a 123 fight veteran.

Adam Sircar vs Fonz Alexander

Adam Sircar moved to 4 and 0 against the past master Fonz Alexander. He controlled the fight from the outset with some great movement after his jabs mixed up with some good combinations and work to the body.

What was seemingly an easy night\’s work for the 30-year-old the skill set he has was clear to see and with it being the first time I\’ve seen Sircar box live I will be stepping up my interest in him after his fourth contest in 13 months on Saturday evening.

Brian Phillips vs Taka Bambere

Credit to Kevin Maree for keeping Phillips on the card after the pullout from Mikey Gomez Jr for the central area title of which I hope a new date will be rescheduled soon as that\’s a cracking fight.

The Liverpudlian brought a group of noisy supporters with him to open the card and boxed well on his way to a shut-out four-round decision against Bambere who was reluctant to throw too many punches and survived with his movement.

Performance Of The Night: Billy Deniz

Showing his punching power and speed the \’Turkish Tyson\’ blew his opponent away with ease. He is one of Britain\’s fast-rising prospects that is still relatively unknown and took his record on Saturday night to 6-0. He\’s now stopped three and retired one of his six opponents so far and Saturday evening was another emphatic performance that was by far best of the night.

Being well matched so far, manager Kevin Maree knows he has yet another serious talent in his ranks and for a fighter of Billy Deniz\’s quality you only hope to see him on bigger platforms and televised shows.

At 21 years old he obviously has plenty of time on his side and there is an art to building a fighter, Billy Deniz has the talent and dedication to go all the way and I am sure it won\’t be too long before he is boxing for titles and taking his career to the next step.

By Dan Kelly

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